Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Tip #15 - At least it's not curry

We had an especially rancorous with the boys.  Hubby finally left the house this morning with a carload of unhappy children.  As it was told to me later, it was the longest 8min. in history and he questioned the wisdom of continually driving them to school.  All children left the car unhappy, peevish (really just the 11yr-old was peevish, I think that's his job) and basically unprepared for the day.  My darling husband, after calming down wondered why after 8 years he didn't know how to remain calm, dispassionate and a peacemaker to a carload of boys.  I wonder the same thing everyday of my life: why after 11 years am I not the picture of calm.  I trade barbs with one or more children everyday.  Why can't I do this right?

After the school drop-off disaster, my good man went to drop off his dry cleaning.  His dry cleaners are a lovely India couple that he has gotten to know over the years.  (Over the years of me not willing to iron his shirts - another thing wrong with me I guess.)  This morning, mu hubby pointed out a blueberry stain that was sustained while he was eating a continental breakfast at the J.W. Marriott Resort and Spa in Palm Springs.  (My heart bleeds for him.)  Anyway, the cleaner said he would have no problem getting it out.  Blueberry?!?  Really?!?  According to him the thing that is hardest to get out is curry.  Whoda thunk?  I started thinking about our rough morning and wondered what lasting damage we might have inflicted and it occurred to me that somehow it will all come out.  We (meaning I) may throw a lot at our children.  Some because we are tired, frustrated, they need it or just because we love them so dang much.  But maybe it will all come out - just don't throw curry.


  1. I think I threw curry today.

  2. I can't tell you how much I love this!! I am seriously using this in RS one of these days. You are amazing. I am so glad to find that your challenges and struggles mirror my own. I haven't learned to keep my cool either...of course I have only been trying for 10 years.
