Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Tip #21 - Enjoy the Good News moments

I have a confession.  I really don't like the Good News Moments in Relief Society.  Inevitably they devolve into funky announcements about bowel trouble and car problems.  Not pleasant - but here are a few funky Good News Moments of my own.

Last night my oldest asked for French Toast and fried eggs in the morning.  I told him we might not have time for both.  He said, "No problem, I'll fry the eggs, you french the toast."  I'm afraid I could not help a small chuckle.  He pressed me for a good hour as to why I had reacted and since he is entering middle school I decided to tell him about the alternate meaning of the word. The Good News here is that he had not already learned the less fun meaning of the word.  yeah.

My two oldest are going on field trips on the same day and needed to take sacks lunches.  As I was shopping I decided that Twinkies might be a fun addition.  When I announced to the kids that I had purchased Twinkies all five replied in unison, "What's a Twinkie?"  Seriously?!  These kids have never had a Twinkie?  The Good News here is that although I fail on a regular basis to feed these children anything nutritious, for me anyway a Twinkie is the last rung on the ladder and I had not reached it.  Until now.  yeah.

So on Sunday I will raise my hand and announce to the Sisters that my Good News is: My oldest is one step closer to losing his innocence and the rest have finally reached rock bottom as far as unhealthy food goes.

I can't wait.

(The rest of the story is that my 7yr-old acted like I had just started a drip of cocaine, or however you ?consume? cocaine, when I gave him the Twinkie.  "Need more, please more."  I have definitely opened Pandora's box with that one - oops.  Perhaps another Good News Moment??)


  1. My good news...had lunch with your hubby and mine today, bad news... you weren't there. Fun to see him.

  2. Everyone but us...really, Mike?
    Our ward and stake stopped Good News Minutes a while ago and said it came from Salt Lake. Was that just an excuse?
