Saturday, May 19, 2012

Tales from the Dark Side

So I have been troubled lately by the lovely world of drugs and drug reactions.  Some (and lately most) days are spent in a morning haze of dizziness and nausea among other things.  However, our Father in Heaven has shown His tender mercies to me in MANY ways to protect me from myself.  For instance: during one of my hazy daze (pun intended) I cleaned out a drawer next to my bed.  Let this be a lesson, do not do this thing.  After my spree I fell back into bed to await the relief that usually comes around 11a.  My sweet baby comes to me while I am "resting" and asks to color a picture.  I tell him that is fine and for "some unknown reason" he chooses to draw on paper I have just thrown away.  He has never picked paper out of the trash before.  And he isn't really my artist child either.  After his coloring attempt he brings his art work for me to see.  Although I am only semi-lucid I can clearly see that he has colored on my patriarchal blessing!  I have somehow thrown it away!!  I thank him profusely for the art and scramble to the can to retrieve all kinds of things I DID NOT mean to pitch.  Thank you!!  At another point in my stupor I go to my med chest to get my pill for the hour.  The pill is actually in my mouth when I have a funny feeling that something is wrong.  I can't shake the warning sensation I am having and after a millisecond I realize I am taking the wrong pill.  I pitch it and grab a different one.  This pill is in my mouth and the same warning sensation comes and I wonder what could possibly be the matter.  Then I figure out I have taken a second wrong pill.  It felt tremendous that through the fog the Holy Ghost could still reach me and keep me safe.  On the lighter side: these meds make me TIRED.  Crazy tired.  I was at Walmart and knew that I was going to have to go home and dig for worms in my yard for Den Meeting.  (We were fishing at a local pond and I was in charge of bait.)  The idea of digging anything after being at Walmart overwhelmed me.  Usually just the idea of being at Walmart overwhelms me, but that is for a different time.  I said a prayer and headed for the sporting good section and wouldn't you know - they sell live bait at Walmart.  Every man in the known world is aware of this but I had no earthly idea.  Hooray for live bait at Walmart!

1 comment:

  1. I had no drugs to blame, but I know the feeling of tossing something you wished you hadn't. Unfortunely, the lost 116 pages of my first journal are irretriveably gone as is the little childhood diary I kept. Oh well, the memories are in here somewhere, and someday, will be retrieved with joy and hopefully a dash of humility.
