Monday, May 7, 2012

Tip #19 - Deja Vu all over again

Poor little gas face
So mother bear went sprinting to the garage when I heard my little cub screaming my name.  He is bent over the lawnmower and I assume that some appendage has been removed or worse...not quite removed but dangling in place.  Much less serious but no less painful (at least I assume that from the wailing and thrashing that this boy is doing) he has splashed gasoline into his eyes.  I drag him into the house and dump his head under water and command him to continue in that way while I call poison control.  I am suddenly reminded of a very similar circumstance that was almost exactly this time 10 years ago.  This same child had had gasoline squirted into his face by a cousin the same age.  The two little 2yr-olds were having a great time using the ??squirt bottle filled with gasoline??? and my little guy happened to be the one that got it in the face.  He started screaming which drew our attention to the scene and the smell immediately let us know what we were dealing with.  As our first child I was, of course, calm as a breeze.  HAHAHA.  I dragged the child into the house and dumped his head under water and commanded him to continue in that way while I called poison control.  This was all very amusing to my dad and the cable guy who did their best to ignore us as I bulldozed through the cabin as they discussed whatever confounding dilemma stood between my dad and 50 channels.  (Mind you this was 10 years ago.)  It was hilarious now that I think about it.  Anyway, then as now, my son seems to have no lasting corneal damage and is right on schedule for sending me into mild panic.  Once every 10 years is just about right.

A cousin says sorry

Happier times!


  1. What exactly WAS that gas doing in the squirt bottle anyway?? Sorry about that again.

    At some point you also need to do a flash back post about the "Wasp Attack of 07".

  2. He had to spray it into the carburator to start the engine. I think it might be fixed now. Maybe not....
