Monday, May 14, 2012

True Story - Garden Shop

I am at the garden store buying vegetable plants for my garden.  (Yes I don't start from seeds - don't judge me.)  I have my two littlest and they are, of course, running down every aisle, stepping in front of sweet old people buying ferns and putting stuff in our cart I have no intention of buying.  I feel like I am calling them in at every moment.  I am slightly exasperated by their questions but am trying to explain the difference between pepper plants and tomato plants to them.  We are finally done with the veggie stuff and are headed to the "pretty stuff" when I notice another mother with her young child.  This one is riding in the bottom of the neat greenhouse carts and she is watching some kind of program on an "i" thingy.  She is not exploring the greenhouse.  She is not smelling the mint and basil and picking out impatiens and petunias.  Neither is the mom slightly exasperated and having to corral this child.  I guess those are the trade-offs.  I don't judge this mom.  We are all doing the best we can with what little we have.  So if I want no exasperation and quiet kids I will give them a small TV to watch while I shop.  This experience reminded me that I have chosen a different road and I had better not complain because I made this choice.  I chose to have mint smelling, aisle running, plant picking, garden loving kids - so I better just chose patience and hope the sweet old lady with the fern also had children.

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