Thursday, May 3, 2012

Tip #17 - Know the worth of a soul

He insisted on the helmet.  We chose to think it looked sweet.
So, for "I" week (see previous post for explanation) we took the kids Ice Skating.  A bit on the nose I realize but I actually forgot we live outside of Indianapolis in Indiana.  I honestly did.  Anyway, we all suited up from big to little and headed down a set of stairs (yes the skate-puting-on-place was up the stairs from the actual ice) and threw our now screaming children onto a sheet of frozen water.  Did I mention that it was a surprise and until we arrived the kids didn't know this is where we were going and now they are screaming and clamoring for anything solid?  We finally coaxed 4 of the 5 children onto the ice and then I stepped onto the frozen sheet and had an epiphany.  If I fall then the chief cook and bottle washer is out of commission for an untold number of days.  Seriously, who is going to run the show if my hip/back/leg/neck is broken?  I have a small army counting on me not to be in bed/the hospital/traction.  My large hubby had the same epiphany just looking at the ice.  He walked to the entry way, pursed his lips, and let me know that he would be watching the baby while I took to the ice with the rest of them.  I did more wall hugging than kid watching and I am happy to say I never fell.  I teetered on more than one occasion but never fell.  Go me!  If you ever question your worth as a mother, try to do something death defying (like ice skating) and you will be suddenly and acutely aware of what you mean to yourself, your family and the world.  It's a good feeling.
They have skates this small!?!
Girlfriend rocked it!!

I didn't fall but this one did.  But he got right back up and skated on!!


  1. Ive had this same moment!! Ive loved roller coasters my whole life, but when I went on one just last year at California Adventures, I was scared out of my mind. Not of pain, but of DEATH, which would mean no mother for my 3 KIDS. Yep, I do not like roller coasters anymore.

    1. I cannot fly - NEVER used to bother me but now I'm a basket case. It's miserable - oh well.

  2. "I" could also mean icecream, much less dangerous and ohhh soo good. I don't ice skate either, I will roller skate occasionally as long as I can rock out to Pac-Man Fever! (those were the days!)

    1. Oh we did the ice cream thing all right - for like 3 days. Love "I" week.
