Friday, May 4, 2012

Tip #18 - Just remember

As the wife of a Bishopric member I have the "opportunity" just about every week to be offended.  I do not take this opportunity.  Regular and I think sane people say the most irregular and insane things to me.  (I KNOW the Bishop's wife could go nuts about this subject.)  I usually halt all people when they begin any conversation with me by saying the following: "I think the Bishopric should..." or "I really disagreed with the Bishop when..." or "Do you think you could let your husband know that..." or "You must really have an in..." or "You probably already know this but...".  Actually I let that last one go because chances are I don't already know.  My LEAST favorite comment, because our Bishop travels quite a bit, is "Well your husband is the acting bishop."  No he is not.  Our good Bishop is not dead/translated.  He is not in some higher calling like the Stake Presidency or First Presidency.  sigh.  Well meaning but misplaced.  Some weeks are better than others and I sit in the congregation trying my best to keep five young children reasonably quiet while my good husband smiles helplessly from the front and I am comforted with two simple words - It's True.

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