Friday, May 25, 2012

Buyer Beware

Sans Necklace
I got "Happy" Meals for my kids at McDonalds.  (This is where I show my confidence by not explaining at length how it was Track and Field Day at school and the only day we can bring in junk food and I rarely if ever eat at McDonald etc etc etc)  I got the "girl" meal and toy for my 5yr-old girl.  I guess I should have emphasized 5yr-old girl.  The toy is a necklace sort of thing that plays music when a button is pressed.  Music is the operative word here.  Some messy concoction of sustained talking and computer generated fuzz is emitted from this box.  Had the lyrics not come with the "toy" I may never had known what the weird voice was saying.  And that might have been a good thing.  It is as follows:  "Yeah-e Yeah-e Yeah-e Yeah, my best friend's brother is the one for me."  And it repeats that refrain a couple of times.  Really?  I would love to know who in marketing in their ivory tower thought this was a good idea.  They are either as dumb as rocks or serious geniuses.  My little gal has no idea what the box is saying although she thinks she is repeating it as she croons around the house a sort of mumbly version of the thing.  But the tune is imbedded in my head and if she were to ever come across the song on the TV or radio (please never let this thing happen please) she would take to it like ugly on an ape.  I wouldn't be able to separate her from it to save my life...or hers.  So these marketers know EXACTLY what they are doing.  We are accused of indoctrinating our children by teaching them religion.  Well, it's either them or me and guess who loves them more...and you only get one guess.

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