Monday, April 30, 2012

Tip #14 - Just hold on

Nothing is uglier then seeing yourself mirrored in what your children say or do.  You (maybe just me) are suddenly seeing what your children see and VOW to do better or at least say it out of their hearing.  The babies are playing in the family room while I am answering an email.  They are pretending to talk to each other on the phone and girl says to boy, "Just wait, I have to take a pill".  Shoot!  I already feel like some kind of druggie with all the pharm I am currently on - see I know the lingo.  But I wasn't even thinking that they were aware of all that.  Silly me!

Then baby girl wanders through the house belting Tomorrow from Annie.  She sounds like a diva and suddenly my heart soars.  When I was young I really thought I was the next Annie.  I planned around that eventuality.  Need I mention this did not happen.  But to hear my only girl embrace the music I loved and to see her unafraid to be herself and sing with abandon is...awesome doesn't seem to cover it.

So they see the cruddy and the great.  I guess we take it all and thank heaven for the ride!

1 comment:

  1. How about hearing your parent come out of your own mouth? Happens to me. I'll say something and think, "that was so my mother". Have you ever felt that? Maybe you're too young....
