Friday, April 27, 2012

Tip #12 - Keep up

Ever heard of George Rogers Clark?  Me neither.  Ever heard of the battle for Fort Sackville?  Me neither.  It turns out to be of the most important battles in the American Revolution and GR Clark was the commander.  Whoa.  My 10yr-old has forgotten more about the Revolutionary War then I will ever know.  This kid is just this side of savant.  He remembers EVERYTHING he sees or hears.  This is a blessing and a curse.  It is possible he will win a million on Jeopardy but getting to simply look at the teacher for any sustained amount of time is impossible. Ah well, my future retirement looks good anyway.

On another tangent.  If you really want to start your day off on the right foot, try attending a PTO board meeting with a 3 and 5yr-old that have been awakened to come and have only had 2 doughnuts thus far that day.  Then insist on asking question after question about middle school registration while the rest of the mothers look askance in your direction.  (As if they didn't have kids entering - sheesh.)  THEN go to hear sweet little George Rogers Clark give his awesome presentation and be told by another mother, indirectly of course, that if I would have just quit having children I could be volunteering in the classroom more and then I wouldn't have had to ask so many questions.  Sigh.  Thank goodness tomorrow is Saturday.


  1. The only person who should have quit having children sooner was the mother of that....sorry, some one may see this and thing ill of me. And we can't have that.
    I took issue when I read "he has forgotten more about..." He hasn't forgotten anything. Thak you for clearing that up. He has a gift I would kill for.'s to you, the Mom who can pull it off.

    1. It's silly that I put he "forgets more" and "remembers everything" nearly in the same sentence. I guess I was still reeling from the you-have-too-many-kids-to-be-a-good-mom lady. :)

  2. What a rude mom! I had a guy say, while i was holding the door for him with my double stroller, "long live over population!" I was i replied" AND i have another one at home and im not done!!!" People can be so dumbbbb. Miss the Horrocks family.

    1. We are BARELY at the replacement rate in society. So who exactly is going to pay for his sorry bulbous protrusion when he wants social security?! Ignoramus.

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