Sunday, April 22, 2012

Tip #7 - STICK IT OUT!!

To ALL the gals who sit in church alone with small children - props!!!  I hear about 1/8 of the meeting and feel like a heel when someone in Sunday School or Relief Society refers back to Sacrament Meeting and I have no earthly idea what they are talking about.  A bomb could go off and I would be unaware as I am breaking up the squabble between the 11yr old and the 7 yr old (embarrassing I know) or cleaning up the Cheerio mess under the pew.  (Honey Nut so they are palatable to me too.  Let's be real, moms - we eat their food - admit it)  BUT I did have an Osmosis Moment a few weeks ago.  We (so now I've got hubby's help) were at the Stake Center attempting to watch General Conference.  I am busy trying to listen to the speaker, attempting to take notes (HAHAHA) when the 3yr. old bomb goes off.  As I now busily try to ply him with crayons, any sort of food, skittles conference bingo, temple sewing cards, quiet books, "Hey look there are the missionaries" - the speaker asks, "Who's on the Lord's side, who?" and my little guys yells, "ME!"  Hmmmm...I guess I'll just keep trying to be in the right place and pray it's working. 


  1. It's working....keep it up. (You've become a serious slogger in just four days. This could really turn into something.)

  2. Such good fun. Oh, by the hasn't changed in 40 years either.
