Thursday, April 19, 2012

Tip #2 - Wafflling and Waffles

When your 10-yr old adds the entire salt shaker to the broccoli soup "trying to be helpful" DON'T yell at him or Slog him (see title). This makes him feel MORE guilty and he'll cry and hit himself on the head with the broccoli soup spoon he was stirring the soup with. THEN try to add potatoes to the soup. An old trick I think I heard about somewhere. However, only about 10lbs. of potatoes would have worked for this soup and it is still inedible. The pic is what the soup looks like today - Thursday. I made it Tuesday. Why is it still on the stove? I am waffling between pouring it down the drain and pouring it in the trash can. My indecision has lasted 2 days. Note: homemade broccoli soup is not because I am amazing or healthy (a has a entire stick of butter in it). I happened to have frozen broccoli and milk and since it takes NO time at all I threw them together. Maybe the salt was really a plot because after it was ruined we had waffles. A theme around here.

1 comment:

  1. This just make me happy! What would have added more to my joy however was if you left it for a week or two and turned it into a science project! On a better note...holy clean stove batman! You're not trying hard enough at this slogging business.
