Thursday, April 19, 2012

Tip #1 - Self-sufficient

To make life easier be sure to teach your children to climb. Your 3-year old can then get to the glasses without bothering you and your 5-year old can discover her own method of climbing the stairs. "Roads? Where we're going we don't need roads!" In the pic of the 3-yr old, notice the pot on the stove and see Tip #2. Another tip I might add is know the route to your nearest emergency room when Tip #1 fails.

1 comment:

  1. Ok, so you're missing the point here..
    a. C can not only climb the banister but strike a pose too, that's talent. Enroll her now in some gymnastics program that takes her out of the house 5 hours a week!!
    b. Baby T not only can manuver the stool but he wants to open the cupboard and not color, destroy, or hurt it. He's probably just hungry from lack of being fed. BTW, why aren't these children in all day preschool? They would be safer there. (Once again holy clean stove)
