Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Tip #9 - Marry well

So you see I have my ducks in a row - sort of.  This is about as close to that idiom (is that the right word?) I will ever come.  This is ACTUALLY the free Lego build they do at the mall one day a month.  It is available to the first 250 kids that show up.  There are a few things wrong with this scenario as far as I am concerned - mall, 250 kids, Lego store, mall. (PS - Did any of you know that Lego is in the spell check - whoa) But when mentioning this free event to my dear husband, he gleefully came home from work early, collect ALL FIVE of our kiddos and traipsed to THE MALL to build this little creature.  He fought the crowds, and I understand there was a crowd and people turned away, to come home with a Lego representation of a mallard duck.  That is true love!  And these are the ONLY Lego creations that have not been assimilated into the gigantic bin of Legos we have been amassing over the years - it's a sign :)

Well, I'll end this here.  The dishwasher repair guy just left and I need to get started on the gigantic bin of dishes I have been amassing over the week - sigh.

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