Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Tip #10 - Recognition is the first step to recovery

Hi my name is Slogger M. and I am a helicopter mom.  I hover above my children and at the first sign of distress I swoop in and save them.  This was never more evident than last night at our 11yr. old's first Court of Honor.  As I sat and watched him compete in the backpack packing contest it was everything I could do to not sail in and help him as the other participants grabbed things he was holding and elbowed him out of the way.  He is the newest scout and low man on the totem pole.  (This doesn't make it right - I think it's a boy thing.)  My blades were whirring so loud the people in front of me turned around wondering what the noise was. Then as the event turned into a noisy yelling contest I sat there becoming the tiger mom I secretly wish I was, sitting on my hands restraining myself from leaping from my seat and dragging my cub away from this influence.  It got even better as he was presented with his award.  Sweet yet forgetful son bounded to the front while I was supposed to make my way to the stage myself.  Well then, evil mom reared her ugly head and I remained in the audience indicating to the "helpful, friendly, brave" boy that he should escort is mother to the front.  He sheepishly made his way back to me and fairly pulled me to the front.  I got my bling, he got is patch and all was well.  Then, helicopter-tiger-evil mom sat back down wondering how I will ever let this little boy go.

1 comment:

  1. You don't ever let them go...someday they move away. This from the mom who got her own bling last night and wonders how they ever got this big!?
