Thursday, September 18, 2014

A tiny topic

So.  Charlotte is supposed to find moments in her day that she can record as "tiny topics".  These are little things that happen that she can possibly use from which to generate creative writing.  She has resisted all of my suggestions (no surprise there) and has agonized over things to add to her list.  Wouldn't add the "mom found a gross spider in her shoe" idea.  (She eventually did.)  And wouldn't add gymnastics, soccer games, piano lessons, girl scouts or any fun reading at home.  I have no idea what this kid is looking for.  But yesterday we were driving down the road.  I noticed too late that I had a dashboard indicator telling me that a door was ajar.  I was unable to pull over just then and Charlotte couldn't open/close the door when we got to the light because the child-lock was on.  We soldier on and I assume the door won't come open because it is mostly closed...right?  Wrong.  While sailing down a busy road, the sliding door of my mini-van flies open.  There is now a gigantic gapping hole in our van, seemingly ready to suck all occupants out onto the street.  I am in an intersection, I am screaming to Charlotte to stay seated but she crawls over and pulls the door shut (this girl never listens to me).  I can barely breathe my heart is pounding so fast and she announces that she now has a perfect "tiny topic"!  I can hardly wait to hear her teacher's reaction when she learns that one of her students had to risk life and limb to close a door on a moving vehicle.  Charlotte was SO proud of herself.  Charlotte is only seven but that experience aged me ten years.

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