Thursday, October 25, 2012

You know you're old when....

So I was searching through a box of Halloween costumes to try and find something, anything, to put together a family group ensemble for the Ward Trunk or Treat.  We thought we would be the 4 Ninjago guys, Mike would be Sensei Wu, Charlotte as Nya and I would be Lord Garmadon.  After some thought we decided that that was cross-dressing for me and really too scary so I would be Lloyd's mother.  If you have to ask who any of those are then you probably should not try to understand - it's a Lego thing.  I found some reading glasses in the costume box and put then on my head thinking they may work for the costume.  I forgot they were there and later was typing at the computer and reading some bills.  I went to straighten my hair (okay...I went to scratch my haven't-been-washed-in-several-days scalp) and found the glasses.  For fun I put them on.  Suddenly my whole world got closer!  I could read the little small messages at the end of the papers and could see the date on my PC without squinting.  (Go Apple for already making the date big so grown-ups will buy their stuff too.)  I have either just made it through a rite of middle-age passage or have admitted something that most people would just as soon not talk about.  Whichever way, I am pretty sure these costume specks are going to move into my permanent wardrobe.

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