Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Funny Story

We were sitting around the house on a Friday evening discussing as a family what we should do that night.  "Family Movie Night" had worn a little thin and we were ready for something different.  I suggested the Art Museum (it's FREE).  Other suggestions included bowling, roller skating, ice skating, and the Art Museum again...that might have been me (it's FREE).  Then our helpful and very creative 10yr-old suggested, "Why don't we go fire walking."  We all stared at him in dumb silence.  Taking that as a clue to continue he began to walk gingerly across the floor explaining, "You know, when you walk across hot coals."  He high stepped across the kitchen and back.  We did not know what to say.  Where would you go for something like that?  Would they allow 10yr-olds?  Is it legal?  We thanked him for his suggestion and went to the Art Museum.  It was free and also the night of the screening of "Baby Jane" for the local LGBTQ community.  I think fire walking might have been more fun.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Have you ever had a day when you are turning in circles - literally.

I found myself actually spinning in circles in my kitchen trying to decide which to do first - the dishes, the laundry, the mopping, making my bed, the unpacking from being away for a month, addressing the clutter left by 5 travel weary children as they nearly rampaged through the house in a frenetic glee/horror at being home, the dead and dying (ick) spiders in every corner, the webs left by aforementioned spiders, the dead and dying (double ick) garden - sigh, and the very dead and dying food left the the fridge.  I braved a glance into the yogurt carton just for fun and saw probably the grossest melange of mold and whatever the pink and yellowish grey stuff is.  (triple ick)  Maybe I grew penicillin hmmm.  Anyway, with all that on my plate and plenty more I made a decision and you're looking at it right now....hang it all and go post on my slog.