Friday, August 10, 2012

Wouldn't you know

I am still up to my eyeballs in housework, so where am I?  Slogging.  Sick I know.  BUT my van's battery is dead. Or was dead....or was jumped into life by my sweet hubby, so I took our entering middle school-er to his new school to decorate his locker (a fun custom - one they all take very seriously).  I dropped him off and drove around for a while to make sure the jumped battery was nice and charged.  However, knowing that it just may not start again I began to choose my parking place a the school very carefully so that we would be in the most advantageous place in the event I would need another jump.  While perusing the aisle, our 3yr-old suddenly insisted on a parking space completely hemmed in by other cars.  I began to drive by it and he screamed,"PARK HERE". So I did.  And what do you know, the car did not start again.  And what do you know, I had not brought my phone.  And what do you know, the schools WIFI does not allow for outgoing email so my attempts to alert hubby on my iPad were in vain.  However a nice school secretary and ever nicer computer lab lady let me tell my spouse that I was stuck.  But having already pulled my chestnuts out of the fire that day I told him I would try to find a good Samaritan.  I scanned the school for a likely hero and decided on the school shelf selling table.  (Lockers don't have shelves so they sell them to students - what a racket!  We inherited ours from a beloved ward member - hahaha system thwarted!)  I explained my situation to the burliest blood merchant and he generously followed me out to the parking lot.  Wouldn't you know, there was only ONE car in the vicinity of my van at it was his car!  However, it was a car and not a van, and we could not get my van started.  HOWEVER, he was able to move his car, (thus there were NO cars near mine) and wouldn't you know, the less burly guy at the shelf table had a Ford F150 and we were able to start my van and go home.  You know...I will be listening a little closer to the promptings of my 3yr-old.  Tender mercies can come in very small packages.